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Soil and More Ethiopia

What We Do ?

Soil and More Ethiopia promotes and implements a successful business strategy to meet the environmental challenges of the future while addressing the economic and social concerns of today.

The projects that the company gets engaged have environmental and socio economic impact where the objective is to create commercial value through ecological and ethical innovation for the SMEs that it works with as well as for future ventures.

Our experience in working with different international organization and local governmental offices has highly contributed to our successful achievement of projects so far. We believe that Soil and More Ethiopia’s strength comes from the contributions that we are able to provide for SMEs and the environmental benefits that come afterwards.

Soil and More Ethiopia with its vast experience throughout its 10 years since establishment, have been engaged in projects having job creation and job placements for over 930 SMEs so far including support through company establishment, providing legal advice, technical assistance, material and equipment support, BDS support, facilitating micro finance, creating a sustainable market linkage and the likes.

The company also uplifts and support underrepresented/underfunded enterprises (SMEs) to inspire economic independence and innovative job creation within a circular economic model. We have been providing technical assistance for the SMEs organized in waste collection (PET, waste paper and metal scraps collections), compost production, green area nurturing and landscaping. Apart from that Soil and More Ethiopia has been engaged in projects in ecosystem restoration and nursery plant establishment for its own land and for other organizations with contracts.



A project in landscape design and nurturing is a project that we have recently contracted from USAID-CATAYZE MS4G. The project is on the final stages of completion (follow up phase) now and has been in progress for one year.

This project placed 2018 individuals in 256 SMEs into nurturing the green environments throughout Addis Ababa and Bahirdar including but not limited to roundabouts, road mains, cemeteries, parks, etc…

Another successful project was a MasterCard foundation project via First Consult’s BRIDGEs program for a waste paper and carton recycling for that created jobs for more than 1,242 individuals in SMEs were these individuals had been provided with material support, over 40 waste paper storage containers, technical assistance in solid waste sorting, BDS support and market linkage with anchor waste paper recycling factories in Ethiopia. All of the SMEs are now supplying directly to these factories and have significantly increased their income. This has also enabled most of the SMEs to create more jobs through recruitments and purchases from local aggregators. This project after its successful accomplishment has been scaled up into creating a potential of 6,500 jobs including major secondary cities in Ethiopia

A similar project from MasterCard’s BRIDGES Program on PET waste collectors is currently in progress with 6,000 potential job creations in Addis Ababa and selected secondary cities in Ethiopia.

Another successful area of focus for the waste reduction and recycling was the use of composting which enabled 1,800 individuals organized in SMEs for composting training. These SMEs were trained with an EU standard composting technique called CMT (Controlled Microbial Composting) and have used the waste material (Biomass) from vegetable markets and converted them into standard composts. These composts have a sustainable market linkage created with the greenery office in Ethiopia which is facilitated by Soil and More Ethiopia.
Below are summaries of some of the well accomplished projects that Soil and More Ethiopia engages into.


1.      Name of Project: Ethiopian NAMA: Creating Opportunities for Municipalities to Produce and Operationalize
Solid Waste Transformation (COMPOST)
Client: UNDP

Period of Activity: 1 year (2018-2019)

Types of activities: Standardize hands on training on
quality compost production for MSEs and creating sustainable market for compost and PET.

Year of completion: 2019

2.      Name of ProjectTheoretical and practical compost
production and PET sorting, pressing and crushing
Client: First Consult

Period of Activity: August 12, 2020 – June 30, 2021

Types of activities: Providing theoretical & practical
training, technical and mentorship support, market accessing linkage with higher industries in both composting and
PET processing for MSEs

Year of completion: 2021

3.      Name of Project:Climate smart agriculture
Client: HoAREC-CN, RCWDO & Meki Batu Union

Period of Activity: 1 year (2015-2016)

Types of activities: Training on compost preparation,
utilization and supply of compost

Year of completion: 2015

4.   Name of Project: Establishment of compost hubs in

four regions of Ethiopia
Client: DAI, LIFT (Land Investment for Transformation)

Period of Activity: 1 year (2016-2017)

Types of activities: Establishing small compost production hubs from agricultural left over or MSW

Year of completion: 2017

Name of Project:Growing capacity for soil management and producing quality compost from coffee leftovers
Client: SCFCU (Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative

Period of Activity: 1 year (2018-2019)

Types of activities: Setting up compost production unit
in wet coffee washing stations of the union

Year of completion: 2019

6.       Name of Project: Greenery and landscape job placement training
Period of Activity: 1 year (2021-2022)
Types of activities: Building the capacity of greener y
SMEs in Addis Ababa and Bahirdar with 2,018 jobs
Year of completion: 2022

7.   Name of Project: Waste paper collecting SMEs technical assistance and market linkage
Client: First Consult
Period of Activity: 1 year (2021-2022)
Types of activities: Building the capacity of waste paper collecting SMEs and market linkage
Year of completion: 2022

8    Name of Project: Waste paper collecting SMEs technical assistance and market linkage (scale up project)
Client: First Consult
Period of Activity: 1 year (2021-2022)
Types of activities: Building the capacity of waste paper collecting SMEs and market linkage in Addis Ababa
and secondary cities with 6,500 jobs created.
Year of completion: On progress

9.    Name of Project: Waste PET collecting and composting SMEs technical assistance and market linkage (scale up project)
Client: First Consult
Period of Activity: 1 year (2021-2022)
Types of activities: Building the capacity of waste paper collecting SMEs and market linkage in Addis Ababa
and secondary cities with 6,000 jobs created.
Year of completion: On progress

10   Name of Project: Waste metal scrap collecting SMEs
technical assistance and market linkage (scale up project)
Client: First Consult
Period of Activity: 1 year (2021-2022)
Types of activities: Building the capacity of waste pa
per collecting SMEs and market linkage in Addis Ababa
and secondary cities with 6,500 jobs created
Year of completion: On progress


  • Waste management
  • Technical assistance
  • Technology transfer
  • Natural resource conservation
  • Ecosystem restoration
  • Organic fertilizer

Mission & Vision


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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed


Our Team

Hussen Ahmed
Managing partner
Aart Van den Bos
Co founder