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Soil and More Ethiopia

Mission & Vision

Mission, Philosophy and vision

Create interrelated businesses that take a sustainable holistic approach to markets, economic development and social benefit.

Philosophy and vision

Soil and More Ethiopia’s visions to promote and implement successful business strategy to meet the environmental challenges of the future while ad-dressing the economic and social concerns of today.

Goals and Targets

Sustainable approach to business using fair market principles and concern for the environment and social development each weighted equally. The main objective of this company is to support medium and small scale firms through training, technical assistance and technology transfer, to play a significant role in environmental conservation as well as create employment for youth groups. The company's corporate objective is to create commercial value through ecological and ethical innovation.


Soil and More Ethiopia has been engaged with medium and small scale enterprises in creating job opportunities for the unemployed with the necessary skill trainings to develop their capacity and focusing on the market linkage with the anchor industries in the specific sectors. Our primary focus are SMEs /MSEs that are established in different sector that have environmental and socio impact.

Seal S&ME

What We Offer ?

We have provided quality service with our vast experience in implementing environmental projects and creating green jobs in the process. Our experience in sectors like waste management, greenery, beautification and  nursery establishment have enabled us make a significant contribution for economic and environmental sustainability of our society. 
